Sunday, 25 March 2007

Stonehenge, Bath and Oxford

We first went to Oxford and visited Oxford University. The University has many colleges and in part of the University scenes from the Harry Potter movies were shot!!! It was Oxfords University’s Christ Church where the Harry Potter scenes where shot. The great hall in Harry Potter was done to look like the Great Hall at Oxford. We also went to The Child and Eagle Pub where J.R.R Tolkin and C.S. Lewis would go and talk about their books and write some of them there. In the Pub they have a signed letter from them hanging up. Oxford is also where some of Alice in Wonderland was set.

We spent Friday and Saturday night in Bath. We stayed at a bed and breakfast that was cute. The Romans built baths in Bath during the 1st century and made it in to a retirement city for retired soldiers. We were able to drink water that was taken from the Baths (yes and purified). It tasted ok. The Baths were really cool to see and know that Romans built and used it in the 300’s. Later Bath was built up by Great Britain for a place of Leisure for her citizens. The Royal Crescent is in Bath where affluent people of the 17th century lived. Bath also had Jane Austen Museum where I got the complete works written by her. She wrote Persuasion and Northanger in Bath. Bath also has a Abbey that was begun to be built in 1499 by Bishop King. One night (we thought this was kind of funny and weird) we act at a cafĂ© called Boston Tea Party. We also heard some good Jazz music in a local Pub.

On Saturday we went to Wells Cathedral and Glastonbury Abbey. Wells is a sleepy little town with a cute market on Saturdays. It also has a Cathedral that is 800 years old!! The front of the Cathedral has 365 medieval statues of knights, kings and saints (no I didn’t sit and count them all!). Inside are really pretty scissor arches and a medieval clock that still works. Christ was supposed to have visited Glastonbury Abbey and it is said that Joseph returned to Glastonbury with the Holy Grail and that it is still there!! The Abbey is in ruins but it was still cool to look at. It is also said that Glastonbury Tor is where the King Arthur was buried.

Stonehenge was amazing!!! Stonehenge is a medieval term meaning 'hanging stones' and was begun in about 2800 BC. It was believed to have been built by sun-worshippers. You can't get very close to Stonehenge, you can only walk around the outside of it at a distance...but it was still cool.

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